Tuesday 19 December 2023




Overview: -
 A runny nose is a common problem. Here, the meaning of runny nose, runny nose causes, methods to stop a runny nose and runny nose best treatment is described, which everyone should know.


Runny nose is the most commonly encountered symptom of common cold or allergies and comes mainly with blocked nose and sneezing. Preschool children are mostly affected and also equally common in two age groups 21 to 45 or 46 to 70. A runny nose is an attempt of a body to wash out the disease-producing bugs, which helps to get rid of infections. So, it is considered a good sign, but when it’s excessive needs procedure to control it.

Meaning of Runny nose:-

Runny nose is refers to drainage of extra fluid coming from nasal passages, which may be watery and clear liquid or often thicker and viscous. Excessive production of mucus by lining cells of the nose accumulates in the back of nose causes inflammation and congestion of the inner lining of the sinuses. At that time, it’s the mechanism of the body to release extra fluid through the nose as a runny nose to control the situation and prevent further complication.

Runny nose causes:-

Usually the factors, which are responsible for nasal congestion, irritation, and inflammation of nasal passages are included under the causes of a runny nose.

  • Anatomical a condition such as, deviated nasal septum, congestion by a foreign body, etc.
  • Environmental factors like, exposure to dry hot air, smoke exposure, spicy food consumption, cold exposure etc.
  • Allergies (outdoor and indoor) can trigger an allergic response. Allergens like dust, pet dander, pollen irritates the nasal passages resulting in the production of excess mucus cause runny nose.
  • Viruses like Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • Chronic medical conditions such as Common cold, Allergies, Chronic sinusitis, Influenza or Flu, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Nasal polyps, on-allergic rhinitis, occupational asthma, spinal fluid leak, hormonal imbalance.
  • Physiological condition like pregnancy, Exercise
  • Medications for high blood pressure, depression, erectile dysfunction, anti-inflammatory no steroidal drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, sedatives, birth control pills etc can cause a runny nose.

How long Runny nose lasts:-

It usually lasts 3 to 7 days, but sometimes continues up to two weeks or more.

Symptoms associated with a runny nose:-

  • Nasal discharge watery, thicker or viscous due to excess amount of mucus produced by mucous membranes of nasal cavities.
  • Sinus pain or pain at two sides of the nose
  • Burning sensation and sometimes watering of eyes.
  • Headache
  • Flu-like symptoms in case of viral infections
  • sneezing especially in case of allergic infections.
  • Rinorrhoea or runny nose with clear watery discharge from one nose may be a CSF Rhinorrhoea or CSF leak, here the associated symptoms are a headache, nasal discharge of metallic taste discharges increases with leaning forward and keeping head down, loss of smell, etc.

Medical emergency or when to see a doctor:-

In the case of Adult:-

  •           Symptoms lasts more than 14 days
  •          High fever
  •          Nasal discharge yellow or green and is accompanied by sinus pain or fever may be a bacterial infection.
  •          Bloody nasal discharge
  •          Persistent clear discharge from one side of the nose

In the case of a child:-

  • Child younger than 2 months having running nose with fever.
  • If baby’s runny nose causes trouble in nursing and difficulty in breathing.

How to stop runny nose instantly:-

There are some tips, which may help to stop runny nose instantly and get relief.

  • Take rest by lying down, prop the head high with a pillow which helps to drain the fluids naturally.
  • By keeping body hydrated by drinking lots of water, warm water preferably this will help the nose to stop running.
  • Taking of herbal tea containing ginger, mint, chamomile, etc. Inhale the steam before drink. Drinking herbal tea or green tea gives relief from runny nose and sore throat as well.
  • put a napkin wet with warm water on the face to give warm pressure to stop runny nose.
  • To relief sinus pain, give slight pressure on both sides of the nose.
  • Try nasal saline spray gently to cleanse up the nasal passages. It soothes the mucous membranes inside the nose which helps to make breathing easier.
  • Steam inhalation by adding camphor or eucalyptus oil in hot water helps to stop nasal running. The procedure is done placing the face above the steam for 20 to 30 minutes at a time or unless until feels too hot, take a deep breath and try to inhale the steam.
  • Blow the nose to extract the mucus gently gives temporary relief.

Treatment of runny nose:-

  • Anti histamines such as  chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine is prescribed which helps to block the process and relieve the symptoms.
  • Homoeopathic medicine for the runny nose:-
               At the initial stage of a runny nose when there is a feeling of suffocation with stuffed nose inhalation of medicine Nux vomica 30 or Arsenic alb 30. For inhalation cotton ball dipped with above mention, medicines are used. Rub the medicine dipped cotton balls on tip, sides gently and inhale directly by taking a deep breath.

Some other medicines may be used as per indications.

Allium cepa:-
Excess acrid watery nasal discharge dripping from the tip of the nose with bland discharge from eyes. Discharge burns and corrodes nose and upper lips. It is considered as the chief remedy for runny nose.

Arsenic alb:-
It is prescribed at the initial stage of a runny nose. Fine, watery and excoriating secretion. Nose feels stopped. Sneezing without relief. Fever of Hay and coryza; worse outdoors; better indoors. Burning and bleeding Nose acne Lupus.

Imaginary smells Tingling in the tip of the nose. Red and swollen and sometimes bleeding from the nose, with a red face. Rhinitis; mucus mixed with blood. Dry coryza with the full stop of the nose. It fills when it rains cold. Thick mucus, yellow, bloody scabs. Profuse coryza. Wants the nose to stay warm; the less cold air stops the nose. Newborn coryza.

Frequent yawning when walking outdoors. Profuse coryza, discharge in the morning, with a lot of cough and expectoration. Influenza.  Whooping cough only during the day, with profuse tearing. Bland discharge from the nose with acrid discharge from eyes.

Natrum Mur:-
Violent and fluid coryza, which lasts one to three days, then becomes a plugging of the nose, making breathing difficult. Fine and watery discharge, like raw egg white. Violent sneezing coryza. Infallible to stop a cold that begins with sneezing. Use the thirtieth power. Loss of smell and taste. Internal pain in the nose Dryness.

Nux vomica:-
Stuffed, especially at night. Colds, after exposure to a dry and cold atmosphere; Worse, in a warm room. Smells tend to produce fainting. In Coryza fluid during the day; stuffed at night and outdoors; or alternate between the nostrils. Bleeding in the morning. Acrid secretion, but with a filling sensation.

Rhinitis; arrest of the right nostril, pressing pain in the root of the nose. Loss of smell. Large green fetid scales on the nose. I stop at night. Yellow mucus; Abundant in the morning. Bad smells, like those of the old cold. Sore nasal bones.

Conclusion: - 

Though the runny nose is a problematic condition, but it is managed easily with the tips and medications mentioned above. This article helps to know about the causes, tips to get relief and avoid further complications.

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