Tuesday 19 December 2023





Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. Scientists have identified 21 strains of the measles virus.


Also known as rube olla or morbilli, .measles is an endemic disease, which means that it is continuously present in a community and many people develop resistance. Measles is an infectious viral disease that occurs most frequently in late winter and spring. It begins with a fever that lasts a couple of days, followed by cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis).


Vaccination prevents many cases of measles worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 million people who have not received the vaccine die of measles each year. The measles vaccine is widely available and is said to have decreased global measles rates by more than 75 percent. Before widespread immunization, measles was so common during childhood that most people became ill with the disease at age 20.



Measles is caused by a virus, which  is highly contagious and the virus lives in the mucus of an infected child or adult’s throat and nose. It is transmitted by coughing and sneezing through close personal contact or direct contact with secretions, for example, sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplets in the air.



  • Symptoms usually, occur 8 to 12 days after exposure to the virus. This is called the incubation period. Infected people are usually contagious from about 4 days before their rash begins until 4 days later. People with measles usually have fever, cough, redness, and irritation of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and a rash that spreads.
  • As soon as the virus enters the body, it multiplies in the back of the throat, lungs and lymphatic system. It later infects and replicates in the urinary tract, eyes, blood vessels, and the central nervous system.


The virus takes 1 to 3 weeks to establish, but the Symptoms will appear approximately 9 to 11 days after the initial infection. People with measles usually have a fever, cough, redness, and irritation of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and a rash that spreads. Those who have had active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against measles have immunity to the disease.


 Measles is a viral disease that can spread rapidly. The disease is contagious for 4 days before the rash appears, and continues to be contagious for approximately 4 to 5 days later.
  •  Anyone who has never been infected or vaccinated can get sick if they breathe infected droplets or are in close physical contact with an infected person.
  • Approximately 90 percent of people who are not immune will develop measles if they share a home with an infected person or physical contact with an infected person and being around infected people if they cough or sneeze.  virus found in the mucus of the nose and throat of infected people. When they sneeze or cough, the drops are sprayed in the air and the drops remain active and contagious on infected surfaces for up to two hours. By touching a surface that has infected with mucus droplets and then putting fingers in mouth, or rubbing nose or eyes spread the infection.


The people most at risk are patients with a weak immune system, such as those with HIV, AIDS, leukemia or a vitamin deficiency, very young children and adults over 20 years.


There are two types of measles:-

  • Rubeola or Measles:- This is the standard form caused by the rubella virus.
  • Rubella or German measles:- this is caused by the rubella virus. Rubella usually presents as mild but presents a greater risk for unborn babies than for young children if a woman contracts the virus while pregnant. It is not as infectious nor as severe as standard measles.

The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines contain vaccines for both types.


Measles usually starts with a low to moderate fever, accompanied by other symptoms, such as persistent cough, runny nose, swollen eyes (conjunctivitis) and sore throat. Then, the fever increases, often up to 104 or 105 F (40 or 40.6 C). At the same time, a rash with red spots appears, usually on the face, along the hairline and behind the ears. This mild itchy rash spreads rapidly to the chest and back and eventually to the thighs and feet. After about a week, the rash disappears in the same sequence in which it appeared.
  •  Koplik spots, or very small gray-white spots with bluish-white centers on the mouth, the inside of the cheeks and throat.

  • Fever with at least one of the three C:-cough, coryza or nasal discharge and conjunctivitis. There is often a fever. This can vary from mild to severe, up to 40.6 degrees Celsius. the fever rises to more than 38degree Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. It lasts for a longer period then decreases, but rises again when the rash appears. other symptoms resolve, but the fever persists.
  • Generalized body aches
  • The reddish-brown rash appears about 3 to 4 days after the initial symptoms. This lasts more than a week.  A rash begins on the face and upper neck extends over the back and trunk, then extends to the arms and hands, as well as the legs and feet. After about five days, the rash disappears in the same order it appeared. It usually begins behind the ears and extends over the head and neck. After a couple of days, it extends to the rest of the body, including the legs. As the spots grow, they often bind. The rash may appear as flat and discolored areas (macules) and solid, red and raised areas (papules) that then join.                    


  • Most childhood rashes are not measles, it needs to be confirmed by a physician. A parent suspects that the child may have measles when symptoms do not improve or get worse. 
  • Illustration of a child with symptoms of rubella or measles: -Runny nose, Cough, Muscle pain, Fever, Bloodshot eyes, Small white spots inside the mouth (Koplik spots), Photophobia (sensitivity to light,)Rash usually appears 3 to 5 days after the first signs of an illness can last 4 to 7 days.


The measles diagnosis can be made with the confirmation of IgM positive antibodies against measles or with the isolation of measles virus from respiratory samples.
Saliva can be collected for saliva measles specific IgA test.


  • Vaccine against measles or Measles, complications are quite common. Some can be serious.
  • Common complications may include -diarrhea, vomiting, eye infection, respiratory tract infections, such as laryngitis, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, ear infections( which can lead to a permanent hearing loss), Feverish convulsions, etc.
  • Patients having a poor immune system who has measles is more susceptible to bacterial pneumonia. This can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Less common complications include:-

        *Hepatitis: liver complications can occur in adults and in children taking some medications.
         *Encephalitis: It is an inflammation of the brain which affects about 1 in 1,000 patients with measles. It may be fatal sometimes. It can occur shortly after measles, or several years later.
         *Thrombocytopenia, or low platelet count affects the ability of blood to clot. The patient can bruise easily.
        *Squinting: the nerves and eye muscles may be affected.
  • Complications that is very rare but possible include:-

       *Neuritis, an infection of the optic nerve that can lead to loss of vision.
       *Cardiac complications
       *Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE): a brain disease that can affect 2 out of every 100,000 people, months or years after measles infection. Seizures, motor abnormalities, cognitive problems, and death can occur.
  • Some other complications  include toxic encephalopathy, retrobulbar neuritis, transverse myelitis and ascending myelitis and the pregnancy(Measles during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, premature delivery or low birth weight. A woman who plans to get pregnant and has not been vaccinated should consult her doctor).


It is an unpleasant condition, but that normally passes without treatment within 7 to 10 days. If there are no complications, I will recommend resting and plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration will be recommended. Symptoms usually resolve when the disease completes its course.


  • If the child's temperature is high, it should be kept cold, by putting cold towel wrap on the forehead. Antipyretic medications are prescribed to control fever Tylenol or ibuprofen can help to control fever, aches, and discomfort. Children under 16 should not take aspirin.
  • Vitamin A supplements are administered.


 Homeopathy is a popular system of medicine. The selection of homeopathic medicine for measles is based on the theory of individualization and the similarity of symptoms through the use of a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a complete state of health can be recovered by eliminating all the signs and symptoms that the patient suffers.
With regard to therapeutic medication, there are several homeopathic remedies for the treatment of measles, which can be selected based on the cause, sensations and modalities of complaints. The following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of measles:-

  •  The primary stage of any illness with sudden Onset.
  • High fever with hot and dry skin; a runny nose; a hard, dry, croupy cough; redness of eyes and sore throat.
  • Very anxious, restless,
  • Thirsty for cold water
  • Feels better in the fresh air and by uncovering worse for warmth and at night.

Antimonium crudum:-
  • Extremely irritable and do not want to be touched or examined, or even looked at.
  • Complaints of tickling cough and nausea.
  • Cracks at the corners of mouth and nostrils.
  • A thickly white coated tongue.
  • Thirstless, drownd worse in the warm room.

Apis mellifica:-
  • High fever with scanty urine, and feel better for cold and cool water bathing.
  • Extremely, anxious, restless and cry out in their sleep.
  • Eyelids are puffy and red.
  •  during urination, there is a burning and hot feeling.
  • Thirstless.
  • Can’t bear pressure, heat or to be touched.
  • Rashes of gradually onset with itch and sting.

Arsenic Alb:-
  • Extremely restless, anxious, chilly who want to be covered.
  • Fever with diarrhea.
  • Thirst a small quantity of cold water in a shorter interval.
  • Testes and breasts may be swollen.

  • The complaint of sudden onset  and accompanied  with  ; a runny nose; red eyes, cough; sore throat, throbbing headache, and bedwetting.
  • The head is hot with a red face and cold extremities.
  • The tongue is red with white spots and dilated pupils.
  • The rashes are red, hot, dry, itchy with a burning sensation.
  • Restless and irritable and delirious high, dry fever.
  • The glands are hot and swollen and sensitive to touch.
  • Thirst less with desire warm and rest.
  • Cannot bear light, noise, or pressure and feel worse in the afternoon.

  •  Flu-like symptoms that are accompanied by a great weariness and heaviness.
  •  The fever with chilliness is a prominent symptom.
  • Apathetic, does not want to be disturbed.
  • Watery coryza with excoriation of the nose and the upper lip.
  • Barking, croupy cough, with soreness of chest and hoarseness.
  •  Symptoms after the eruption have appeared; there are itching and redness of the skin.
  •  Aching in the limbs
  • Swollen and watery eyes.
  •  The better feeling after urinating.
  •  Suits to later symptoms of the disease.
  • Profuse lachrymation.with coryza.
  • Symptoms worse in the evenings and changeable in character.
  • Painful  breasts, ovaries, or testicles.
  • Weepy,  pathetic, and clingy.
  • Want to be carried in case of Small children.
  • Thirstless; symptoms better in the fresh air and worse in warmth and lying down at night.
  • Cough loosens in the daytime, but dry at night.
  • The child sits up to cough.


  • There is no specific treatment for measles. Prevention is better than cure. Pregnant women should not take the vaccine.
  • After an episode of measles, a person gets immunity for the rest of his life. It is very unlikely that they will get measles a second time.
  •  When meals are prevailing as an epidemic the administration of pulsatilla every 2-3 days on the first the appearance of symptoms, should the disease be taken many render it milder.


Though  Measles is a highly infectious disease; but it can be managed smoothly  and prevented easily. This article discusses the facts about measles along with the best homeopathic medicine for the treatment of measles, which may helps to deal with this serious form of the disease.

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