Tuesday 19 December 2023



 I   NTRODUCTION: Dengue is a highly endemic infectious disease of the tropical countries   and is rapidly becoming a global burden. It is wide spread in all regions in recent years. Severe dengue was first recognized in 1950s during dengue epidemics in the Philippines and Thiland.Today, severe dengue affects most Asian and Latin American countries and has become a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children and adults.
Dengue is a mosquito borne viral infection causes flue like illness, and occasionally develops in to a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue. Dengue is caused by a virus of the Flaviviridae family and there are 4 distinct, but closely related, serotypes of the virus that cause dengue (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4).Recovery from infection by one provides lifelong immunity against that particular serotype.However,cross-immunity to other serotypes after recovery is only partial and temporary. Subsequent infections (secondary infections) by other serotypes increase the risk of developing severe dengue.
            Dengue is wide spread through the topics, with the local variations the in the risk influenced by rainfall, temperature, and unplanned rapid urbanization. The incidence of the dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. The vast majority of cases are asymptomatic and hence actual numbers of dengue cases are under repeated and many cases are misclassified or misdiagnosed, other feather of the disease include its epidemiological patterns, including hyper-endemicity of multiple dengue virus serotypes in many countries and the alarming impact on both human health and the global and national economics, Dengue virus is transported from one place to another by infected travelers.
·        Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes mainly of the species Aedes aegypti and Aedesalbopictus (really).Aedes aegipti also transmits chikungunia, yellow fever and Zica infection.
These mosquitoes can be easily distinguished as they are larger in size and have black&white stripes on their body, so they are sometimes called tiger mosquitoes.
The Aedes aegipti mosquito is the primary vector of dengue. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
After virus incubation for 4-10 days, an infected mosquito is capable
Of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life. Infected symptomatic or asymptomatic humans are main carriers and multipliers of virus, serving as a source of virus for uninfected mosquitoes. Patients who are already infected with the dengue virus can transmit the infection (4-5 days maximum 12) via Aedes mosquitoes after their first symptoms appear.
·        The Aedes aegipti mosquito lives in urban habitats and breeds mostly in manmade containers. The mosquitoes breeds in artificial accumulation of water in and around human dwellings,such as water found in discarded tins, broken bottles, fire buckets, flower pots, coconut shells ,earthen pots, tree holes etc ,during &immediately after rainy season.
The life cycle of Aedes mosquito depending upon the extent of feeding lasts for 8 to 10 days at room temperature. It consists of two phases: Aquatic (Larvae, pupae) and terrestrial (Eggs, adults) phase.

·        The Aedes aegypti mosquito lives in urban habitats and breeds mostly in man-made containers. Unlike other mosquitoes, Aedes aegypyi is daytime feeder, its peak biting periods are early in the morning and in the evening before dusk. Female Ae.egypti bites multiple people during each feeding period.Aedes eggs can remain dry for over a year in their breeding habitat and hatch when in contact with water.
·        During natural dengue infection in humans, the mosquito delivers virus in skin epithelium where it infects and replicates in the cells of mononuclear lineage like monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and Langerhans cells. These infected cells carry the virus to lymph nodes, where it replicates, resulting in viremia, which is followed by systemic infection of liver, lungs and spleen.

Symptoms usually begin 4 to 7 days after the mosquito bite and typically last 3 to 10 days. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the disease.
Common Symptoms-- can appear up to 7 days after being bitten by the mosquito that carries the virus. They include:-
Aching muscle and joints; body rash that can disappear & then reappear, high fever (40C/104F), intense headache, and pain behind the eyes, vomiting & feeling nauseous.
These symptoms usually disappear after a week, and a mild dengue rarely involves serious or fatal complications (DSS-Dengue shock syndrome, DHF-Dengue hemorrhagic fever).
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever(DHF)—Dengue fever also known as break bone fever, is a mosquito borne infection that can lead to a severe flue like illness. At first, symptoms of DHF may be mild, but they gradually worsen within a few days. As well as mild dengue symptoms, there may be signs of internal bleeding.
A person with dengue hemorrhagic fever may experience:-bleeding from the mouth, gums or nose;calmy skin; damage to lymph and blood vessels; Internal bleeding which can lead to black vomit and feaces or stools; lower number of platelets in the blood; sensitive stomach; small blood spots under the skin; weak pulse.
Without prompt treatment, DHF can be fatal.
Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) ---DSS is a very severe form of dengue. It can be fatal. A part from symptoms of mild dengue fever, the person may experience:-
Intense stomach pain, disorientation, sudden hypotension or a fast drop in blood pressure, heavy bleeding, regular vomiting, blood vessels leaking fluid without treatment, this can result in death.
·        Laboratory diagnosis of dengue is best made during the acute phase of illness. Dengue infection is usually confirmed by identification of viral genomicRNA, antigens or the antibodies that elicit.
·        ELISA-based serological tests are easy to perform and are cost effective for dengue detection. This is the confirmatory test of dengue.
·        Blood test for leukocyte, platelet &hematocrit are conducted to diagnose dengue fever and for assessment of prognosis of the patient.
·        The diagnosis of dengue Hemorrhagic fever is made on the basis of the following triad of symptoms and signs:-
1.     Hemorrhagic manifestations.
2.     A platelet count of less than 100,000 per cubic millimeter
3.     Objective evidence of plasma leakage, shown either by fluctuation of packed –cell volume (greater than 20 percent during the course of illness) or by clinical signs of plasma leakage, such as pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinemia.
MANAGEMENT:-The following do’s and Don’ts must be advised to all the patients.
§ Take adequate rest.
§ Rehydration plays major role and all efforts must be directed to       maintain adequate fluid intake.
§ Patients who are able to tolerate oral fluids must take oral rehydration solution, fruit juice, lime water (sikanji), coconut water or plain water to prevent rehydration.
§ Patient who are not tolerate oral fluids need intravenous fluid therapy.  
§ Take normal regular diet. Diet should be low in fat, low fibre, non-irritating and non-carbonated.
§ If the fever is more than 102 degree F, do continuous cold sponging, till it recovers. If it is not controlled suitable antipyretics, can also be given safely with Homoeopathic Intervention.
§  Do not panic; Aspirin/Dispirin/ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) must be avoided, as these may aggravate gastritis or bleeding.
Management Without Warning Signs:-
The approach towards patients suffering from dengue/suspected to be suffering from dengue involves detailed history taking and examination, which includes details of onset &nature of fever/illness and assessment for warning signs (hemorrhage from any orifice,hypotension,persistent vomiting, in ability to tolerate oral fluids).Conditions, in which, dengue is likely to be more severe must also be identified.
Examination includes assessment of hydration and hemodynamic status (pulse, systolic and diastolic blood pressure), checking for tachypnoea, pleural effusion, examination of rash and bleeding manifestations, assessment of abdominal tenderness, ascites and hepatomegaly.Appropriate investigations are advised for diagnosis and assessment of disease severity. Individual characterizing symptoms specially physical and mental generals should be recorded for the selection of appropriate Homeopathic regimen.
Follow up of the patients requires strict monitoring for temperature pattern, volume of fluid intake and losses, urine output (volume and frequency) and appearance of warning signs. The investigations for hematocrit and platelet counts are important to assess the progress of each case.

§  EUPATORIUM PERF:-The chief indication is severe pains in the bones as if broken all over.Bryonia is the nearest analogue, having free sweat but pains keep patient quiet, while eupatorium has scanty sweat and pains make patient restless.
§  BRYONIA ALBA:-Gradual onset of symptoms. Fever with chilliness predominating, frequently with heat of head, red cheeks and thirst. Sluggishness, stitching pains, aggravated by motion. Great thirst for large quantities of cold water at long intervals.
§  GELSEMIUM:-Fever accompanied with dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling, patient went to be held because he shakes so much. Chill without thirst.
§  RHUSTOX:-Fever with low grade of muttering delirium. Triangular red tip of tongue, loss of appetite, aversion for food, great thirst.
§  ACONITUM NAPELLUS:-Indicated in the beginning of the disease when complaints are sudden, violent, with anguish and restlessness. To be prescribed for fever with skin dry and hot, face red, or pale and red alternately.
§  BELLADONNA:-Fever accompanied with heat, redness, throbbing and burning. No thirst with fever. Cold extremities and throbbing headache
§  ARSENICUM ALBUM:-High temperature. Periodicity marked with marked weakness.
§  FERRUM PHOS:-Remedy for first stage of fever.Sensitive, pale, Anemic with easy flushing of face. High fever, skin hot and dry, quick pulse, thirst increased. It can be used frequently in biochemic doses in 3x/6x potencies in all cases as supportive drug during fever
§  IPECACUANHA:-Fever is accompanied with gastric disturbances. Persistent nausea in one or all stages. Indicated when tongue is clean and there is thirstlessness.
§  NATRUM MURIATICUM:-Fever appears with chill at morning. Violent thirst which increases with fever. Tongue mapped.
§  PULSATILLA:-Chilliness, even in warm room, without thirst. Symptoms ever changing. Rapidly shifting from one part to another. One sided sweat, pains during sweat, during apyrexia, headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Nausea.
The following medicines given on symptomatic basis help in reducing the hemorrhagic tendency and can improve platelet counts:-
Crotallus horridus, Secale cor, Carbo veg, Lachesis, Ipecac, Hamamelis, Ferrum met, Cinchona off, Millifolium, Phosphorus, Sulphuric acid

General Measures-
1.     Personal prophylactic measures:--
§  Use mosquito repellent, creams, liquids, coils, mats etc.
§  Wear full sleeve shirts and full pants with socks.
§  Use bed nets for sleeping infants and young children to prevent mosquito bite.
2. Environmental management source reduction methods:-
§                       Identify & eliminate mosquito breeding sources.
§             Prevent collection of water on roof tops, porticos and sunshades.
§             properly cover stored water
§             Frequently change water in water pots, flower vases, water coolers etc.
§                      Waste must be disposed properly and should not be allowed
    3. Biological&chemical control for control of mosquitoes breeding
§                       Use larvivorous fishes in ornamental tanks, fountains etc.
§                        Use biocides or chemical larvicides for control of mosquitoes breeding.
§                        Aerosol space spray.
4. Health education
         Impart knowledge to common people regarding measures to reduce vector                     breeding and safeguards for preventing mosquito bites.

               As per principles of homeopathy, a genus epidemicus (a drug capable of preventing the diseases) can be identified in for the sporadic and epidemic situations. The process of selection of genus epidemicus is a specialized based on analysis of totality of symptoms; the medicine, which is most frequently indicated and has potential of providing the quick treatment to the patient, is the genus epidemicus. According to CCRH (Central council for Research in Homoeopathy), Eupatorium perf 30 is the preventive medicine for the majority of the sporadic and epidemic situations that can be safely taken twice daily for three days as prophylactic.

*Homoeopathy is based on totality of symptoms (TOS), which is thoroughly studied and a group medicines to be identified. These medicines are required to be given to the cases on the basis of individualization.



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